Friday, June 12, 2009

I'm 4 Months Old!

We've hit the 4 months mark! Jacqueline is getting so big! 13.38 lbs (50th percentile) and 24 inches (75th percentile) long. She's in just the 11th percentile for her head circumference, so she missed out on Daddy's big noggin'! At three months she started rolling from back to front and at 4 months she is now scooting around, raising up on hands or knees, and yesterday she actually got up on both for a split second! She coos and chatters almost constantly and she has great hand-eye coordination. Tonight, Pierce was blowing bubbles and she'd lock on to one with her eyes and follow it until it was close enough to reach out. She'd try to grab it and end up popping it and then she'd squeal excitedly.
She started eating baby rice at the end of May, just after she turned 4 months. She had started to smack her lips when she saw us eating, so we decided to give it a try. She sort of thought it wasn't wonderful, but it was ok enough to swallow. Now she fusses if she doesn't get to eat while we are eating! We will be trying out some veggies with her soon, so hopefully they will be a hit too.
Jacqueline is still absolutely in love with her big brother, Pierce. If he's in the room, everyone else is invisible! In the morning we have to bribe him to be very quiet, or she'll wake up too early just because she hears his voice. Otherwise, I could run the vacuum cleaner right next to her bed and she wouldn't stir!
She's at such an exciting age, learning new skills every grabbing Daddy's hair in a flash, trying to shake everything to see if it will make noise, and absolutely everything finds its way into her mouth eventually. Just try and stop her! She will flash a smile for no apparent reason, other than to catch your eye. She bestowes undeserved grins upon us hourly and the constant comment is "what a happy baby!" She genuinely enjoys every minute of her day.
We have lots of pictures posted and we'll try to get some video up soon of her first bites and rolling over.
The Britts